Hunza News

Hunza Cultural Festival: A gathering to rejoice

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[author image=”10841379_680428848723118_1557962824_n” ]Salima Aman from Aliabad Hunza doing BS in media studies from Islamic university[/author]

The people of Hunza valley are scattered everywhere around the globe with very tough and busy schedules in a continuity which keep all of us a bit apart from our culture, tradition and practices hence an introduction to our mirror image is essential to link us with our ancestors and to encounter us with our facts. It gives me immense pleasure to recount the wonderful time that I have viewed with my people.

Every year a gathering called HUNZA CULTURAL FESTIVAL is organized in Islamabad to bring the people of beautiful valley together. I suppose this the finest time one can have in this fast growing life to rejoice, to express, to cackle, and to warm up the threads of dispersed relations. Beside all the good time there are few things which need real consideration.

The crowed witnessed on the second day of festival was huge, performances and talent shown by different artists was also great enough to entertain the people. The traditional melody and beat of drum that was striking the walls and the passionate youngsters were the greatest flashes for the photographers to capture and stock the emotions. Time spent with friends, investing a few hours with relatives in a habitat like hometown was considerable and good enough to dump the frustration out from daily routines.

Our culture is our identity and we feel very honored when we present ourselves. This identity we have established from our ancestors and their hard work brought up us to endure at this level, we only try to bring out the little out from it that has been gifted. Our culture is richly diversified that few words can’t outline; wherever we go we try to make our deeds the best orators of it. Every class was having fun by their own methods children were exploring the every corner of that place, our elders were cheerful because they were sitting around their people, youth was so spirited to break the dance floor, food lovers were having their best in food corner with traditional stuff so everyone was action-packed in building their own world where only feelings were acceptable to breath.

This narration is the spectator of positive attitudes that I have observed coming to the other approach of event a lot of things need real consideration to make it more outstanding, its pleasure to count that our people are educated and literate enough to tackle the situations and deal with challenges. One of the significant belongings that our culture trained us is discipline and this factor was missing somehow only wearing the traditional caps and outfit is not necessary, real teachings need to be implemented at required times, we must be aware of that what to react, when to react and how react. As compared to previous years the event was little blurry in performing stage programs, we have a lot of more stimulating things in our culture to demonstrate which can be portrayed in artistic ways to entertain and instruct the audience most specifically youth, it’s basically the knowledge about our culture and history that can be conveyed more fascinatingly because our culture is something beyond then songs only.

The get-togethers are healthy to conduct it brings people close, it offers people a chance to enjoy, to laugh out loud  and to learn, most of the people wait for this annual function and come to prison some memories. I gratitude the personal and collective labor of managers to make it prosperous and hope for another more well organized one to come up with more content and the elimination of minute sicknesses that were seen in the event. It’s not only for the organizers everyone is responsible and everyone should coordinate to make these events worthy; we are the community of happiness and stay under one canopy in every state so better of all the solutions is evasion of disapproval and work on weaknesses to make them more grabbing.

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