Hunza News

Child Abuse and it’s stopping point

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Author: Mehboob Ali
A major issue nowadays that we can’t ignore more. Such a worst kind of acts that are performed around all of us, but guess what? We are just neglecting it like nothing happened. Yeah i’am talking about the those illegal and Unislamic actions being running in an Islamic republic country. 
That’s the *Child Abuse* . A child is as soft as a flower or we consider our hearts  to be touched, that much sensitive they are. What is happening in this society? And why is child abuse common in our environment? Why are the pedophiles or sex offenders are free to do anything they want to? Why are we unable to protect our children? So ashamed of what we are supposed to be and what we are in reality. Being a Muslim we are setting them(pedophiles) free to do everything. Why is the law not making a change in it? So many questions loading in the mind but unanswered. 
Going back to some unforgettable reports of rape cases in islamic republic of Pakistan. 
1. Zainab Kasur ( a 6-7 year old girl got raped and was found murdered in a pond afterthat)
2. Kasur child abuse.
This shows a crucial picture of disease. In 2017, about 3445 cases were recorded. And then on in 2018 the cases increased even more. It was recorded in terms of increment statistically as 9-12 cases per day. Out of which 56% victims were girls and 44% boys suffered from this illness of abuse or harassment, complied by Sahil. According to recent reports and conditions per measured, 2020 saw 4% increase in child abuse as compared to that in 2019, where, it came out as an estimate out of 985 were sodomy, 787 raped, 89 pornography and sexually abused and 80 were murdered after sexual abuse. Moreover, cases of abduction, missing children and child marriages were 834, 345 and 119 respectively.
From all these reports, it gives an average of 8 children being abused per day in Pakistan (51 girls and 49% boys). 
And what do you think of pedophiles and their punishment should be? Though, these rape cases and child abuse is spreading like fire in woods worldwide and their mode of punishments are a quite different from one another. And this fire needs to be watered to make it set off. The best ever punishments for sex offenders can’t be better than the *death sentence* just like what China and Iran do. They directly hang them to death. Castration can be the second option, that most of the countries worldly are going for it. 1. Indonesia’s parliament passed a law in Oct 2016. 2. Ukraine in July 2019. And 3. Czech republic passed a law for the surgical castration as a punishment to the sex offenders. PM Imran Khan in 2020 viewed an interview on television that surgical castration(loss of testicles) of convicted rapists and pedophiles was imperative to deter the sex offenders. This seems a good way too following the death sentence. While when we take a look in the law making policies of Pakistan and their written stuff, I found according to *377 A_ sexual abuse* and *377 B_ Punishment “whoever commits the offense of sexual abuse shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to life imprisonment and liable to fine with a charge shall not be less than five hundred thousand (5 lac) or with both*. This is what mentioned in the law(policy).
Don’t you think that death sentence can be the best punishment for sex offenders and rapists? Why they are charged with an amount of 5lac? Instead they shall be hanged for death. It’s okay if they pay for it, but that payment should not be considered to the government but to the family of suffered individual. And after getting the fine from the pedophiles, the law should order to hang the rapists. 
This isn’t a tiny thing, but a step towards improvement if we are successful to pass a bill for it. In my opinion,  I think hanging the rapists publicly can bring several changes in the society.isnt it? In a way, it can spread awareness for upcoming rapists not to do this act onwards. *A rapist is not a rapist by his name but any individual can become a rapist if he is unaware of the punishment and goes for the wrong matter.*  Making ourself educated, this matters nowadays. So please educate yourself, spread awareness, and be aware too.

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