Hunza News

Two different Road accident on KaraKorum Highway

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Gojal Hunza: Two different Road accidents occurred on KaraKorum Highway near at MoorKhon village, Gojal Hunza. The first involved a school car coming from Sost to Khyber, which collided into another car coming from Khyber Gojal. The driver of the car, named Hashim, had lost control on car, which caused an accident resulting in minor injuries. Medical reports from Aga Khan Health Center, Sost Gojal cleared all injuries and sent them back home safely.

Another accident occurred due to motorbike collisions at the same spot of the previous accident. The bikers were seriously injured, and rescue 1122 shift from Gojal to Hunza for further treatment. The victims from the accident were identified as Qasim form Khyber Gojal, and Anwer from District Ghizar Yaseen village, respectively.

Photo credit Passu-Times

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