Hunza News

status of Gilgit and Balitisan as it would harm Jammu Kashmir issue.”

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Deputy Ambassador of Pakistan in Delhi Syed Hyder Shah along with first secretary called upon ailing JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik at Delhi’s Fortis hospital, where Malik is undergoing treatment from last three days, a statement issued by JKLF said.

Deputy high commissioner enquired about the health of Malik and also delivered message of good wishes from the government of Pakistan to him. Deputy high commissioner also delivered a letter from prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Shareef. “The letter has been written in response to JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik’s letter to Pakistani prime minister on 12th January 2016 in which Malik had asked Pakistan to refrain from changing the status of Gilgit and Balitisan as it would harm Jammu Kashmir issue.”

In his reply Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Nawaz Shareef has assured JKLF chairperson that there was no such plan. “I have received your letter with great pleasure and read it with deep interest. I appreciated your views on the impact of any possible change in the constitutional status of Gilgit Baltistan on the Kashmir cause. Your concerns and suggestions are valuable and are being examined with meticulous care.”

I would like to make it unambiguous clear that Pakistan is fully aware of the sensitivities attached to Gilgit-Baltistan with regard to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. Media speculations are a result of either misperception or misinterpretation .the reforms intended in Gilgit Baltistan are aimed at empowering the people of this region and giving them a greater say in their governance, the statement read. “I would like to assure you that Pakistan will never compromise on its principled stance on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, which is based on the UN Security Council resolutions. Nor will Pakistan take any measure that may cause harm to the valiant struggle of the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, for their unalienable right to self-determination, promised to them by the UN Security Council resolutions. You may rest assured to Pakistan’s continued moral, diplomatic and political support for the just resolution of the Kashmir issue, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of its people’’.


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