Sea buckthorn is known as a panacea, or cure-all, in many parts of Eastern Asia and Russia. It’s been used for thousands of years to treat all sorts of health issues and illnesses. With modern science and the history of trial and error that made sea buckthorn popular in the first place, we’re now uncovering the true health benefits of this super fruit.
Sea buckthorn has an impressive nutritional profile that indirectly heals and fortifies the entire body. With 14 essential vitamins, omega’s 3, 6, 9, the rare omega 7, super charged anti oxidants, hundreds of other nutrients, and anti-inflammation properties; Sea buckthorn is THE supplement to be taking. It’s as if one combined fish oil with a multi vitamin/mineral all from one fruit. To make matters better, this is vegan friendly. It’s just a fruit with almost everything the body needs!
For direct healing, sea buckthorn is effective on the skin for burns, wounds, cuts, and any kind of skin damage. It’s a true skin healer and the high levels of omega-7, mostly found in the berry oil, are reknown for supporting tissue and mucous membranes. It’s widely used, and probably best known, as a beauty berry. Daily use can keep you young and healthy from the inside-out, nourishing the skin and body tissues. The oil is commonly taken internally to deal with ulcers and other inflammation issues such as in the throat or skin.
This is only scratching the surface. Sea buckthorn is here to stay and the ways to use it are becoming increasingly clear as individuals share their success stories and modern science continues it’s research. The health benefits of sea buckthorn are becoming very clear and the world is taking notice.
- 3 Skin-Healthy Benefits of Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil
June 16, 2014
Orginally posted June 14, 2014 If you haven’t heard of sea buckthorn, you’re missing out on the skin-supporting benefits of these berry-like fruits. Derived from the seeds and pulp of the brightly colored fruit found on sea buckthorn trees, sea bucktho…
- What Is Sea Buckthorn And What Can I Do With It?
June 3, 2014
What Is Sea Buckthorn And What Can I Do With It? Originally posted by Robin Triskele Gorgeous seabuckthorn, with its glorious thin silvery green leaves and plump, juicy bright orange berries… it definitely stands out amongst the rest. The seabuckt…
- Sea Buckthorn Oil Benefits For Pores And Skin Care
January 27, 2014
Published by Shannan Pell on 1/26/2014 Exfoliation is probably the associated with removing the thin layer of dead skin cells cells upon the outer surface of our skin. Many people tend to exfoliate the face, shoulders, elbows, knees and toes and finger…
- Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn
January 6, 2014
Originally Published 1/5/2014 by Hope Gillette Sea buckthorn is not a common household name, but this plant is a favorite of individuals who like to stick to natural remedies. Known by the Latin name of Hippophae rhamnoides , sea buckthorn is typic…
- Sea-Buckthorn: Cancer-Busting Berries!
December 20, 2013
Originally published by Becky Lerne 12/28/2013 The first time I bit into a juicy Sea-Buckthorn berry, the sweet and tart taste reminded me of two rather disparate things: SweeTarts candies and pineapple. Also known as Seaberry, Sandthorn, or Sallowth…
- Jenny Logan – Omega 7 One of Best Two Products of the Year
December 9, 2013
Originally published by Jenny Logan 12/2013 Omega 7 first came to my notice early on this year, when I noticed that my mum had an almost constantly streaming eye. She told me it had got so bad that she could not longer wear make up and she always had a…
- Concerned about cancer, inflammation, memory loss or diabetes? ‘Holy Fruit of the Himalayas’ can help
October 21, 2013
Originally published on Saturday, October 19, 2013 by Carolanne Wright (NaturalNews) With environmental pollutants, radiation, stress and chemicals bombarding us at every turn, simply consuming a clean diet isn’t enough to ensure health – additional fo…
- Sea buckthorn and bilberries may improve metabolic and heart health for women: RCT data
October 10, 2013
Daily consumption of sea buckthorn berries, its extracts, or bilberries may boost the overall metabolic profiles of overweight women, says a new study from Finland. Using a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomics, researchers from the Uni…
- Omega-7 Fatty Acids for Glowing Skin and Radiant Health
June 21, 2013
Originally published on 6/19/2013 Most people these days have heard of the health benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids, found in flax seeds, walnuts and cold water fish, such as salmon. Recently, omega-7 fatty acids have taken centre stage as a be…
- Fractured Paradigm Shares Sea Buckthorn Medicinal Uses
June 10, 2013
We love this graphical overview of sea buckthorn as a garden plant. Besides a high rating for edibility and medicinal use, it gives a brief rundown of sea buckthorn’s ideal growing conditions. The uses listed leave a little to be desired but are still exc…
- Health-Wise with Larry Miller – Sea Buckthorn and Chronic Inflammation
May 24, 2013
Published on 5/23/2013 Larry R. Miller has been a freelance writer, worldwide health and fitness information source since 1982. Scientific studies suggest that sea buckthorn (SBT) supplementation may be able to improve every user’s life for the be…
- Sea Buckthorn Oil for Mouth Ulcers
May 6, 2013
Sea buckthorn oil for mouth ulcers Originally posted May 2, 2013 Mouth ulcers – or aphthous ulcers – painful, but the inside of the cheek and opening your mouth, usually in benign lesions. Doctors are not sure what causes these non-contagious oral u…
- How to Stop Hair Loss: What Sea Buckthorn can do for US
May 1, 2013
Originally published April 28, 2013 Sea Buckthorn, a plant which produces the orange-colored sea buckthorn berry, grown mainly in the mountainous and colder regions of China, Russia and Canada, is rapidly becoming popular throughout the world for hundr…
- Sea Buckthorn: Ancient Healer and Modern Superfood
April 19, 2013
By: Michelle Schoffro Cook An ancient Tibetan healing secret is finally being discovered in the West. For thousands of years Tibetans used a fruit that grows wild in the Himalayan Mountains as food and medicine to treat many serious health conditions …
- Sea Buckthorn: A Shrub That’s Good for People and the Environment
January 31, 2013
By Carol Dreibelbis Sea buckthorn, also known as Siberian pineapple, sea berry, sandthorn, or swallowthorn, is a deciduous shrub that grows natively across northern Eurasia. As its name suggests, sea buckthorn’s branches are dense, stiff, and thorny, b…
- Sea buckthorn berries: the super skin healer from the Himalayas
January 16, 2013
“Remember this name: sea buckthorn berries. It seems there’s some new miracle ingredient for skin emerging every week, but sea buckthorn berries really do deserve the hype surrounding them. You will be hearing a lot more about this superfruit in …
- The Synergistic Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn
August 23, 2012
It is important to note that no one nutrient makes sea buckthorn a wonderful choice for health and wellness. Sea buckthorn has so many health promoting properties stemming from it’s vast nutritional profile that singling out any one component, such as the…
- Flavonoids in Sea Buckthorn and Their Health Value
August 9, 2012
Flavonoids are compounds naturally found in plants that, along with carotenes, create the intense colors of flowers, as well as fruits. They’re partly responsible for sea buckthorn’s color as well as its high level of Beta-Carotene. They protect the pla…
- Relieve Most Skin Ailments with the Extraordinary Healing Properties of Sea Buckthorn Oil!
June 18, 2012
In the world of nutrition, few foods are as nutritionally dense as the berry; and in the world of berries, few of these tiny fruits are as nutritionally dense as Sea Buckthorn. Relatively rare (sea buckthorn grows mostly in Asia and Western Europe), diffi…
- No More Stomach Pain! Sea Buckthorn Oil Offers Impressive Support to Relieve Stomach Discomfort!
June 14, 2012
Due to its remarkable nutritional density, sea buckthorn has recently exploded onto the nutritional scene as a potential kind of “miracle berry.” Why is this? It hearkens back to the incredible potency this berry enjoys from a nutritional perspective. Do …
- Sea Buckthorn: An East-Asian Panacea?
April 2, 2012
In Eastern Asia, some segments of Chinese and Tibetan culture view sea buckthorn as a panacea, for use in treating a number of ailments and continued individual health. Now, scientific studies are emerging that dissect the unusually nutrient-rich qualitie…
- The Soviet’s Use of Sea Buckthorn – Protection in the Space Age
March 30, 2012
When the world conquered the final frontier in the 1960s, one of the driving factors was fear. The US simply couldn’t let the Soviets win the cold war; the Soviets needed to prove technological superiority. Both sides were driven by fear of nuclear weapon…
- Sea Buckthorn for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, and Inflammation
March 29, 2012
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome distinguished by chronic pain in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bursae around the joints. It is called a syndrome because it includes a set of conditions that always occur together. The term fibromyalgia comes from a com…
- Sea Buckthorn Oil Soothes Symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome
March 29, 2012
In a surprising 2011 Good Morning America interview, tennis star Venus Williams announced that she was quitting the US Open after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s Syndrome: a chronic condition in which an individual’s disease-f…
- No More Vaginal Dryness! Take Sea Buckthorn!
March 26, 2012
You may be curious as to why Doctor Oz and other nutritional gurus are suddenly hailing sea buckthorn as a miracle. It’s a wonder Americans ever found it: this berry grows on deciduous trees, often in difficult climates. Sea buckthorn is a staple of Tradi…
- Sea Buckthorn is Nature’s Answer for Skin and Beauty
March 19, 2012
We all love to have Healthy and Glowing Skin and do almost everything under the sun to achieve it. But did you know that right diet and supplement can do wonders for your skin, nails and hair? Sea Buckthorn has been traditionally used for a wide range of …
- Take Sea Buckthorn Every Day for Overall Wellness
March 16, 2012
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is found throughout Europe and Asia, particularly eastern Europe and central Asia. The plant’s orange fruit and the oil from its pulp and seeds have been used traditionally for skin conditions, coughing, phlegm reduc…
- Sea Buckthorn: The True Healing Oil for Tissue Regeneration!
March 15, 2012
Sea Buckthorn, or hippophae rhamnoides, has been making the news lately for its remarkable health promoting properties. And while some of the scientific research may be new, the benefits of Sea Buckthorn have been well known for centuries. While the uses …
- Sea Buckthorn Supports Healthy Nails and Collagen Production
March 6, 2012
If you are looking for nail treatments, you could opt for the same run of the mill drug store brands, or you could try a more natural approach. Sea Buckthorn has possibly the richest store of essential Omega-7 fatty acids. It promotes the proper cell…
- Sea Buckthorn Oil Is A Natural Remedy for Yeast Infections!
March 5, 2012
Vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common reasons why women consult a healthcare professional. Many women suffer from repeated infections. If a woman has been previously diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection and has recurring symptoms, then tre…
- Sea Buckthorn for Children’s Health
March 2, 2012
Children need a comprehensive and well-balanced nutritional structure to grow strong and healthy. Sea Buckthorn provides rich vitamins A, E, D, K, etc., trace elements including iron, zinc, calcium, copper, manganese, selenium and iodine which are easy to…
- Sea Buckthorn: Helping Manage Your Weight and Keeping You Healthy
March 1, 2012
Sea Buckthorn is known as the “Holy fruit of the Himalayas” and is much cherished by the Tibetans due to its immense benefits. This herbal medicine has been used in Asia, particularly in the Himalayan region. Countless studies have been carried out on thi…
- Is Sea Buckthorn Oil the All-Natural Psoriasis Remedy You’ve Been Waiting For?
February 28, 2012
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, lifelong skin disease that affects as many as 7.5 million Americans including Kim Kardashian. Though there are several different types of psoriasis, the most common type is called plaque psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis causes re…
- Sea Buckthorn for General Immunity, Health, & Wellbeing
February 27, 2012
Sea Buckthorn is a complex berry, and its nutritional density makes it an ideal candidate for those that want an immunity boosting dietary supplement or herbal remedy. These berries are uniquely loaded with a variety of important vitamins, essential fatty…
- Can Sea Buckthorn Help Prevent Heart Disease?
February 21, 2012
Heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in the United States, is also on the rise in developing countries. The most common form of heart disease is coronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD afflicts an e…
- Sea Buckthorn: Healthy, Radiant, Shiny Hair from an All-Natural Fruit Oil
February 20, 2012
One of our most important physical features is our hair. Our hair follows us through the generations and directly affects our self-esteem and overall happiness. We’ve found many testimonials of people who enjoy using Sea Buckthorn to soothe the skin an…
- Therapy for Life: Sea Buckthorn and Chemotherapy
February 17, 2012
Sea Buckthorn is a traditional herbal remedy that may have tremendous benefits for cancer treatment. As cancer patients increasingly seek out natural and holistic means of treatment, most hospitals still prescribe one drastic, last-resort treatment for ma…
- Sea Buckthorn for Rosacea Prevention and Relief
February 13, 2012
Rosacea is a complex and mysterious syndrome that is as yet not well understood by the medical community, although its results can be devastating to sufferers. Rosacea has long been correlated with a depressed immune system and symptoms include persiste…
- Cancer Prevention and Treatment: Can Sea Buckthorn Help?
February 13, 2012
One of Sea Buckthorn’s primary applications in holistic medicine is its use in cancer prevention and treatment. This berry is unique in that its nutritional qualities are well-rounded, complex, and outright extraordinary. Loaded with Vitamins C and E, a …
- Beat Radiation with Sea Buckthorn
February 10, 2012
Sea Buckthorn users will be happy to know that the berry’s traditional use for skin health and burn healing has a very modern application: potential treatment for anti-radiation. Extracts and its supplements have been found to help bone marrow recover aft…
- Sea Buckthorn: An All-Natural Inflammation Fighter?
February 10, 2012
Sea Buckthorn is commonly being touted as a miracle berry, a Dr. Oz-endorsed dietary supplement that may change every user’s life for the better. And the fact is, as scientific evidence accumulates, evidence suggests that this berry may indeed have healin…
- Antioxidants: How Does Sea Buckthorn Measure Up?
February 9, 2012
Recent nutritional studies have shown that “superberries” may elevate total health, fighting free radicals with nutritional components called antioxidants. Many commonly known super-berries are available in stores; blueberries and cranberries are prime ex…
- A Simple Way to Boost Cardiovascular Health
February 7, 2012
With it’s well rounded and exceptional nutritional density, Sea Buckthorn has a complex and wide-ranging list of benefits for the user seeking an all-natural remedy or supplement. This supplement has been used traditionally in Asia for centuries to protec…
- Sea Buckthorn for Joint Support and Arthritis Relief
January 31, 2012
Do you suffer from painful joints? That old knee injury acting up again? Joint pain can be caused by many types of injuries or conditions. No matter what causes it, joint pain can be very bothersome. Sea buckthorn can help provide relief to achy join…
- Sea Buckthorn for Cognitive Health
January 31, 2012
When you think of anti-aging products, one usually considers solutions that address only the physical aspects such as diminishing wrinkles and fine lines. But an aspect of aging that is largely overlooked is mental decline. How can Sea Buckthorn imp…
- Keep Your Patients Smiling With A Tiny Tibetan Berry
January 25, 2012
Throughout my search for nature’s power nutritionals, my personal discovery of the intense biodynamic power of the tiny berry fruit of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), a multipurpose wonder plant, harvested high in the Tibetan Himalayas, ranks…
- Sea Buckthorn Offers Support for the Cold and Flu Season
January 24, 2012
Have you received something this holiday season other than gifts of goodwill and cheer? Maybe St. Nick left your family a case of the sniffles or sore throats? Perhaps something a bit stronger like fevers, chills and achy muscles? Sea Buckthorn oil i…
- Sea Buckthorn and Female Health
January 18, 2012
Sea Buckthorn is becoming increasingly more popular with the medical and holistic industry as evidenced by numerous news articles that can be found all over the internet within the last few years. Currently, it’s being publicized by popular personalities …
- Sea Buckthorn and Dry Eye Relief
January 18, 2012
If you suffer from Dry Eyes, there’s help for you. Sea Buckthorn can help ease the symptoms of dry eyes, like burning and the sandy-gritty eye irritation that gets worse as the day goes on. Symptoms may also be described as itchy, scratchy, stingy or tir…
- Sea Buckthorn May Help Improve Your Vision
January 17, 2012
Studies now indicate that sea buckthorn may help improve eyesight. This nutritional bombshell is loaded with carotenoids, which aid in protecting your body against macular degeneration. As you get older, your eyes naturally fail. However, loading up your…
- Surprise People When You Reveal Your Age – The Sea Buckthorn Anti-Aging Secret
January 6, 2012
If you are unhappy with your skin because it looks prematurely aged, and would like to gain a more youthful complexion, there is actually a lot you can do to help fight those wrinkles and look younger. Various anti-aging skin care products are designed t…
- Dr. Oz Claims Sea Buckthorn Is A Miracle For Clearing Up Acne Prone Skin!
January 6, 2012
On his January 7, 2010 show, Dr. Oz prescribed Sea Buckthorn oil as a means to fight your acne, saying that the essential fatty acids and Vitamins A, E and C in Sea Buckthorn oil remedies the worst symptoms of acne, both internally and externally. …
- Sea Buckthorn Revealed As Key to Healthy Teeth and Gums
December 20, 2011
Did you know that Sea Buckthorn can whiten your teeth and improve the health of your gums? Sea Buckthorn is widely known for its curative effects on the body, as well as, aiding in weight loss, but one benefit of Sea buckthorn is being hailed by Dr. Oz a…
- Straight from The View—Sea Buckthorn great for Skin, Hair, and Nails!!!
December 20, 2011
Everyone wants luxurious, healthy and smooth hair, and strong skin and nails, and millions of dollars are spent every year in the cosmetics industries on products advertising to make skin look and feel younger, hair fuller and nails stronger. Try add…
- Dr. Oz Recommends Sea Buckthorn for Preventing Constipation and Supporting Healthy Digestion
December 9, 2011
Are you constipated? Sea buckthorn is what the doctor ordered. Dr. Oz on his wildly popular sea buckthorn segment ‘Sea Buckthorn: The Miracle Berry’, suggested supplementing with sea buckthorn oil to prevent and relieve constipation. This was one se…
- Dr. Oz Recommends Sea Buckthorn for Weight Loss and Dieting
December 9, 2011
On June 2nd, 2011 Dr. Oz touted sea buckthorn for its miraculous ability to help solve weight related issues. In the segment, called Sea Buckthorn: The Miracle Berry, he featured a study done on mice showing sea buckthorn’s ability to help you avoid weig…
- Sea Buckthorn Benefits
November 29, 2011
It would be difficult to exaggerate the many Sea Buckthorn benefits. The berries carry so many vitamins, proteins, essential fatty acids, and other substances that they improve almost every area of an individual’s health. Here are the benefits that we kno…