Hunza News

Poverty compels to sale kidney and eye in Hunza

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Hunza(Ejaz Karim):Yesterday a local journalist approached me to ask, whether giving advertise to newspaper for sale of kidney is legal in Pakistan…! Rather than answering his question I inquired why are you asking and who is he etc etc. He gave me name and address of a person and I with my two friends reached to the address – a small soup cabin near patrol pump Aliabad Hunza.
Afsar Jan father of two children and resident of Aliabad Hunza is compel to sale his kidney and eye to reimburse the loan of Micro finance bank and Thrift Society Aliabad Hunza. Jan has taken loan for three consecutive surgeries of his wife in Aga Khan Hospital Karachi. Jan said that, “I requested Mr. Wazir Baig elected representative from Hunza, ex-speaker and contestant of bye-election GBLA and Ismaili council to help financially unfortunately all in vain”.
 “I also approached and requested to Mr,Ubaid ullah Baig and Naik Naam (both are contestants of the bye-elections) but no one heeded”.
Jan is survivor of Nanga Parbat tragedy in 2013 – where he bravely rescued one of the foreign tourists and also helped in shifting dead bodies to Gilgit. He castigated Mr. Baig for ignoring him.
He said that, “If I were killed at the Nanaga Parbat, he (Wazir Baig) would come to my home with the dead body….! Thank God I came alive but he never bothered to ask how I am…! Being his regular supporter and voter I am really disappointing and despair.
This is not only a worrisome situation for Mr. Jan and his family but also a matter of ponder for people of Hunza, political and religious representatives and welfare organizations.
Note: Please do not politicize this issue, I have written as he narrated and help him on humanitarian ground as much as you can.

for more info 0343-4512088

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