Talking to media in Gilgit on Saturday, Federal Minister and Governor Gilgit-Baltistan Barjis Tahir said that the PM visit to Gilgit in schedule on 26th June and he will announce a comprehensive development package for the region and also the name of new CM Gilgit-Baltistan.

He said that Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) has emerged as the single largest party after winning 16 seats out of 24 in GBLA election.
Now the new Gilgit-Baltistan government must work for promoting harmony across sectarian and political lines and perform functions with transparency based only on merit as in vision of PM Nawaz Sharif.

He said the confidence expressed in transparency of elections in Gilgit-Baltistan by national as well as international observers and media is a major achievement.

He hoped that the next government in GB would take full advantage of the window of opportunities in the shape of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Diamer Basha Dam to put the region on the path of progress and prosperity.