Hunza News

People of Gilgit-Baltistan Will no more remain Idiots

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[author image=”” ]Rameez Ali Jerov Student of BS-International Relations Karakorum International University [/author]

Everybody knows even a universal truth “Human is born free” we human have made limitations to live life style and stay together.
The recent rumors are floating that Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) is now going to give its basic/constitutional rights by Govt. of Pakistan after a long seven decades.
GB was semi autonomous region since her independence under administrative control of Pakistan. GB declared its independence on 1st Nov 1948 from the Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh and vested herself into Pakistan.
Recently the constitutional commission of Pakistan for GB working remarkably for making GB as a fifth province of Pakistan.

On the other hand it’s been hearing that the Kashmiri political leadership denying accepting this agreement and considering Gilgit-Baltistan as an integral part of Kashmir which is totally wrong. If they still talking the same way then I personally urge them to study our history ONCE MORE.
Everybody knows GB has a rich culture and strong historic background, without a geographical boundary we aren’t got any type of cultural, historical or any other relation with Kashmir. If we were part of it then we would have common assembly and same administrative control, by the way it’s never been happened.

I am addressing every Kashmiri and suggesting them to stop involving in GB affairs and concentrate on their own mission to get out from Indian coercive occupation.
As for Pakistan’s government they are going to impose an illegal direct tax on the people of GB. As they pretending so called tax free zone since the affiliation. We strongly condemn this bribery of government.
The question arises here why this is happening to GB? What is the reason behind that we are not given our basic rights? Why IGO’s like UN is failed to arbitrate this issue? Why today everybody’s eye on GB? Is this now an important part for Pakistan, India, and China and even for the West after declaring the CPEC ways through GB?
This is reality that a surprising project is being initiated and almost in completion which costs more than $46Billion and this massive run would connects Gawader to Kashgher through western part (xinjiang province) of China & from north to south in Pakistan.
Interesting thing is this route is going through the center of GB starts from Hunza the connecting hub for Sino-Pak.
China is an fast growing economic power in post-cold war era and it seems threat to whole world particularly for the hegemonic powers i.e. “West”, and they don’t want to see the positive implications on Chinese economics which would boosts again in upcoming years when trade through CPEC will inaugurated.
On the other hand rivalry states of Pakistan don’t wish to see the economical stability and peace in the country.
Our opinion being natives of GB, this would be only the reason that Violence, political instability, ethnic tensions and sectarian clashes are external causes to fail this mega project.
Everybody knows “Now Natives of GB will no more remain idiots we will get the rightful Gilgit-Baltistan and strong Pakistan”.
We appeal this is right time for government of Pakistan to give equal right as per province to GB.
I urge youth and responsible of GB to take stand against the tax until unless we are given full constitutional rights.

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