Hunza News

NOC issued for establishment of powerhouse in Chitral town

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CHITRAL:  The KP government has granted NOC to the SRSP Chitral for the construction of Shali Hydel Powerhouse in Chitral.

HunzaNews,July 23,2014

The construction of the powerhouse will alleviate the sufferings of the people of Chitral city and their problem. The proposed hydel project will not only benefit the domestic consumers but also give impetus to commercial and business activities. As result of the establishment of the powerhouse, people of the town will get rid of the cruel clutches of WAPDA which has made the lives of the consumers miserable by prolonged power cuts. With the grant of NOC people of the town Chitral took a sigh of relief and expressed their gratitude to MPA Fozia Bibi for her struggle to achieve the purpose.

Bashir Hussain Azad -chitraltoday

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