Hunza News

Nagar: CM Mehdi Shah inaugurates Minapin power project in Miacher. DC Hunza-Nagar along other high officials was present at the occasion.

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 A Candlelight vigil will be held by civil society GB in Gari Bagh Gilgit in memory of our friend,

HunzaNews May 10,2014

reknowned lawyer and coordinator HRCP Multan Mr. Rashid Rehman at 07:00 pm on Saturday 10th April 2014. All Friends are requested to attend it with great zeal to advance their support to the cause of Human Rights.

Mr. Rashid Rehman was shot and killed on Wednesday in the city of Multan. He had been threatened after taking on the case of a university lecturer accused of blasphemy.At the first hearing of the case in March 2014, held inside a prison for security reasons, Mr Rehman was threatened by lawyers representing the complainant. Rashid Rehaman was a dedicated activist from the very beginning.

All his life he was helping the downtrodden.

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