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HGISF arranged one day Lecture Program on Early childhood Development in Karachi

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HGISF arranged one day Lecture Program on Early childhood Development in Karachi .

HunzaNews,June 22,2014

Karachi,   Jiwani Development Centre (JDC) – the human development project of Hunza Gilgit Ismaili Students Federation (HGISF) – arranged a one day lecture program on Early Cchildhood Development (ECD) here in the National Council Auditorium Karachi. The said program was arranged in close coloboration with  Institute of Early Childhood Education And Development (IECED) Karachi. Mrs.Naheed Wasi w/o Senator Ali Haider was the chief guest of this session. Mr,Sardar Khan Sinior Vice Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party was the Guest of Honor.

The program was attended by almost 60 participants comprising students, teachers, admistators and general memebrs interested in early childhood development.  The progam was  started by the holy name of Allah which was followed by welcome deleivered by Mr. R.Raheem Sherazi-Coordiator HGISF. In his welcome note he appreciated Mrs.Naheed Massi- the founing Director  and Senior Trainer of IECD along with Guest of Honour for their collaboration and support in executing this event. He also appreciated the role of Regional Council for Karachi and Baluchistan for always being there to support HGISF and its federations to ensure holistic development of our Jamat in general and our youth in particular in Karachi Pakistan. Mr. Sherazi and team HGISF also brief about the mission, vision and current projects and activities of HGISF in Pakistan. He especially mentioned ECD classes that HGISF have recently started in Jiwani Development Center in Ali Jiwani-the under previlaged area of our community in Karachi. The main purpose of establishing JDC is to provide different training and educational opportunities to our Ali Jiwani based members in Karachi.  He emphasis on all Jiwani based members to visit JDC at the address of House # 105, Block 4, Jiwani Hights, Super Highway Karachi and avail the services regarding CED classes, English Classes, Couching Classes along with library and reading room. JDC is providing these facilities either free of cost or at a niglugible fees.


After this Mrs, Naheed delivered the keynote lecture on ECD. She underlined the scope of ECD and shared her insight regarding importance and impacts of ECD in ensuring holistic development of a child.She shared all the basic necessities and technique which can change not only a life of an individual but also a life of a family, life of society and life of a nation,if they are well educated and even then,if they are applying these tools in their life.Eearly Childhood Development progam is one of the emerging and an important professtional which is in high demand  not only in Pakistan but abroad as well.


The second round comprises of cross questioning wherein most of  the participants raised questions regarding expensive couse of ECD. Regarding this Mrs.Naheed ensured that marit based 100% schalorship will be provided to HGISF members for Diploma Program in ECD. A survey form was also circulated on the spot to scrutinize interested and qualified students and teacher for further test and interview.


After the lecture session Mr.Sardar Khan also delivered speech and emphasize on the current issues that how to be come an educated mother and fathers to serve their own families and wider communities in this most rapidly changing world. The sessions was ended with presentation of bouquets to Mrs.Naheed by Raheem Sherazi,Sarfraz and Akram and vote of thanks and concluding remarks of Mr.Srafraz-Joint Secretary HGISF.

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