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In NDI PWG meeting ISB session 2, Aisha Jehangir Khan from Chilas-Diamer is trying to play her role

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In NDI PWG meeting ISB session 2, Aisha Jehangir Khan from Chilas-Diamer is trying to play her role

HunzaNews June 6,2014
In NDI PWG meeting ISB session 2, Aisha Jehangir Khan from Chilas-Diamer is trying to play her role in the corridors of the proper channles to highlight issue of GB. This National program is solely for 4 provinces & Capital territory,no representative of GB,Kashmir nor FATA is in their mandate nor invited.Ms. Khan is honored to be the only GBian selected to participate. After much heated debates, argument, disagreement and persuasion, Ms. Aisha added GB in their distribution of Natural resources consensus of NDI. Baluchistan participants and others wanted it to be strictly concentrated on smaller 3 provinces.Due to GB inclusion Kashmir and FATA name was also added to keep a balance.

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