Hunza News

Porf. Ibrahim hopes Taliban talks to move forward soon

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PESHAWAR: Prof Ibraheem, member of the Taliban committee, has expressed the hope that a suspension in talks between the government and the TTP would end soon.

HunzaNews  April 12th, 2014.

Talking to media, he said the army should become part of negotiation process instead of expressing reservations. “Army should become a part of negotiations if it wants to show concerns”

He said that efforts were underway for the next phase of talks and and other meeting of the committees with the Taliban Shura.

He, however, claimed that the venue for the meeting could not be decided due to ‘difficulties’ from both sides.

Ibrahim conceded that there was not much progress in the talks and the process had seen a sort of suspension.

“We hope the deadlock will end and the process will move forward, efforts are on to convert the temporary ceasefire into lasting peace|,” he said.

“And if there are some hurdles we will use the second option that will be to persuade both the sides for an extension in ceasefire|,” the senior Jamaat-e-Islami leader added.


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