[author image=”http://hunzanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Dr-Sadia.jpg” ]Dr.Saadia khan Department of paeds medicine Children hospital and institute of child health Multan. [/author]
Measles is an infectious disease with worldwide distribution.
Measles is an infectious disease with worldwide distribution. Its highest incidence is in winter seasons. It is a frequent cause of mortality and ill health in malnourished children below 3 years. It is a viral infection and transmitted by droplet spread. Its period of infectivity is 4 days before and 7 days after appearance of rash. It presents as high grade fever, cough, flu, sore eyes with discharge initially. Rash appears starting from face and then moves downward and involves lower limbs also. There is high grade fever at the appearance of rash fades in same manner as it appeared .Measles can involve skin (rash) chest (pneumonia). Heart (heart failure) eyes (swelling and discharge, ulcers), abdomen (diarrhea) and brain (fits, coma).Measles decreases immunity of child and prone child to increased risk of tuberculosis and other infections.
It is a self limiting disease lasting for 7-10 days in healthy children. Immunity is mostly long lasting after attack but second and third attacks are not uncommon.
Diagnosis of measles is mostly clinical and there is no need for investigation until there are complications.
For the treatment of measles good nursing care is main concern. Child should be isolated up to 7 days after appearance of rash. Medicines are required for fever, cough or other complications only.bed rest, frequent fluid intake and vitamin a is all what required.
For the prevention of measles child should be vaccinated at 9 and 12-15 months. Vaccine is available free of cost at all government hospitals. If there is child in home who develops measles than all his unvaccinated siblings or other children in contact with child suffering from measles should be vaccinated within 3 days.
So, get your child vaccinated against measles along with others EPI vaccines as measles epidemic last year took a lot of precious life.